Center for Sustainable Energy

News and blog by Press Release

Post date: Jun 04, 14

CCSE has appointed three new members to its board of directors, bringing the total to 15 individuals who help guide the organization in its mission to accelerate the adoption of clean energy policies and technologies.

They are Daniel Chia, director of policy and electricity markets for SolarCity; Angelina Galiteva, governing board member of the California Independent System Operator; and Michael Kelly, executive director of the Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy & Jobs.

Post date: Mar 31, 14

CCSE is participating in a free workshop exploring the options and strategies for organizing clean transportation commuting programs for local employers sponsored by the San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, at the San Diego Automotive Museum.

Post date: Mar 31, 14

With demand for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and zero-emission vehicles growing at a record pace in California, the Air Resources Board announced March 28 a rebate waiting list up to a total of $5 million for Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) funds.

To accommodate expected market growth into the summer, ARB staff plan to propose expanding the waiting list by an additional $25 million at the board’s April meeting.

CCSE, administrators of the statewide program, will continue to accept applications for rebates while additional funding is being put in place.

Post date: Feb 19, 14

The latest survey of California’s plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) drivers shows differences in primary purchase motivations from owners of one model to the next. The survey also shows increased satisfaction with public charging options and wider availability of workplace charging than in previous surveys.

As administrators of the California Air Resources Board’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP), CCSE conducts ongoing PEV owner surveys.

Post date: Feb 18, 14

CCSE is helping to create Tree San Diego, a new organization forming to advocate for community trees, as a spin-off from the Urban Forestry Advice and Technical Assistance Center and is seeking volunteers for its board of directors.

Post date: Feb 18, 14

The California Energy Commission has awarded $1.6 million to a consortium of Southern California-based organizations led by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) to establish a Southern California Center for Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicle Technology.

Post date: Nov 20, 13

MASH program brought 2.6 MW of solar & $10 million in rebates               

The final project in a program that has provided 2.6 megawatts of clean solar power to low-income San Diegans was dedicated during ceremonies at the Townspeople Apartments in Normal Heights on Wednesday, Nov. 20.

Post date: Nov 07, 13

Goal to make financing & installing solar energy systems easier, faster & cheaper

The U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative has selected CCSE to lead a $1.3 million project aimed at streamlining and standardizing solar energy installations for residential and small commercial uses throughout California.

Post date: Oct 24, 13

CCSE successful in efforts to modify San Diego CSI fund allocation         

During the past several months, CCSE successfully petitioned the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to modify the allocation of funds in the local CSI program budget to shift some money in the nonresidential solar project budget to be available for homeowners. The commission gave final approval to the modification on Wednesday, Oct. 23.

Post date: Oct 21, 13

$2.2 million effort to increase use of combined heat & power     

CCSE will receive $2.2 million over four years from the Department of Energy to provide support and technical assistance throughout California, Nevada and Hawaii to drive wider development of cogeneration energy technologies as solutions to the nation’s energy issues.


Chuck Colgan's picture

Report Calls for Closer Examination of Natural Gas’s Role in a Carbon-Constrained Future

CSE has published a policy paper titled Natural Gas as a Bridge Fuel – Measuring the Bridge, which recognizes the role natural gas plays in phasing out the a nation’s use of dirtier fossil fuels, but concludes specific plans are needed to chart a course away from all fossil fuel use to achieve long-lasting greenhouse gas reductions. 

Chuck Colgan
Chuck Colgan's picture

Financing of Energy Storage Systems Focus of San Francisco Event

CSE's Clean Energy Financing Advisory Council (CEFAC) will present a panel of experts exploring the growing market for energy storage technologies in partnership with the San Francisco Department of the Environment from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, at the San Francisco Main Public Library.

Chuck Colgan's picture

CVRP Initiates New Eligibility Requirements March 29, 2016

In order to make clean vehicles more accessible to a greater number of California drivers, especially in communities that are highly impacted by air pollution, the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) is implementing increased incentive levels for low- and moderate-income consumers and high-income eligibility caps. The California Air Resources Board (ARB) approved the changes in June 2015, as directed by the Charge Ahead California Initiative established by Senate Bill 1275 (De León).

Chuck Colgan
