Center for Sustainable Energy

News and blog by CHP

Post date: Apr 24, 17

CSE helps create wood-to-energy demonstration project

The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) is a partner in a renewable energy project in California’s northeastern Yuba County that promises to help alleviate the threat of wildfire while demonstrating the practicality of using forest biomass that would otherwise simply decay for generating power.

Post date: Oct 05, 15

Spotlight on unique ice thermal energy storage strategies

As the sizzling days of summer persist into the fall, business owners and property managers throughout Southern California continue seeking ways to reduce escalating electricity costs for air-conditioning and refrigeration while utilities struggle to meet the region’s increasing cooling demands.

Post date: Jul 02, 14

The right combination of technologies is key to avoiding financial risks

When Qualcomm Incorporated, decided to take greater control of energy consumption at its San Diego locations, the technology selected was combined heat and power (CHP) gas turbines, among the most efficient energy sources available because in producing electricity it also provides thermal energy.

Post date: Apr 10, 14

When Old Buildings Go High Tech                          

Originally published in the San Diego Business Journal March edition of “Sustainable San Diego”

Post date: Oct 21, 13

$2.2 million effort to increase use of combined heat & power     

CCSE will receive $2.2 million over four years from the Department of Energy to provide support and technical assistance throughout California, Nevada and Hawaii to drive wider development of cogeneration energy technologies as solutions to the nation’s energy issues.

Post date: Sep 16, 13

Residents in a large section of San Diego North County are now drinking water treated by 100% clean energy thanks to an innovative power system recently installed by the Olivenhain Municipal Water District (OMWD) that transforms water pressure into electricity.

Post date: Jun 13, 12

Historic Lafayette Hotel installs highly efficient fuel cell

The 1940s Hollywood-era Lafayette Hotel in San Diego was the scene of a celebration and switching on of a 40- kilowatt ClearEdge Power fuel cell system on May 9. During ceremonies, CCSE Managing Director Peter Hamilton presented the hotel’s owners with $100,000 rebate check from the Self-Generation Incentive Program ( SGIP).

Post date: Dec 13, 11

The SGIP is a statewide initiative of the California Public Utilities Commission ( CPUC) designed to promote power generation by utility customers. Its purpose is to help achieve state energy goals of generating one-third of California’s electricity from renewable sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. CCSE administers SGIP in the San Diego Gas & Electric service area.

Combined Heat & Power

Chuck Colgan's picture

Biomass Energy Plant Awarded $4.9M California Energy Commission Grant

CSE helps create wood-to-energy demonstration project

The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) is a partner in a renewable energy project in California’s northeastern Yuba County that promises to help alleviate the threat of wildfire while demonstrating the practicality of using forest biomass that would otherwise simply decay for generating power.

Chuck Colgan
Chuck Colgan's picture

Ice to Energy: Keeping Buildings Cool While Cutting Energy Costs

Spotlight on unique ice thermal energy storage strategies

As the sizzling days of summer persist into the fall, business owners and property managers throughout Southern California continue seeking ways to reduce escalating electricity costs for air-conditioning and refrigeration while utilities struggle to meet the region’s increasing cooling demands.

Chuck Colgan's picture

Businesses - Take Charge of Your Energy and Save

The right combination of technologies is key to avoiding financial risks

When Qualcomm Incorporated, decided to take greater control of energy consumption at its San Diego locations, the technology selected was combined heat and power (CHP) gas turbines, among the most efficient energy sources available because in producing electricity it also provides thermal energy.