Center for Sustainable Energy

News and blog by Policy

  Blog entry
Post date: Nov 08, 17

California remains the nation’s guiding force with the most progressive greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals and bold environmental justice policies. In an uncertain federal climate, the state remains poised to expand and accelerate its environmental and social stewardship through a diverse array of programs focused on building innovative, future-oriented smart infrastructure and communities – the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Program.

  Blog entry
Post date: Sep 19, 17

What do you care about? Maybe it’s social justice issues, the environment, homelessness or any of the other myriad worthy causes out there. Although we all are concerned about such issues, talk about them, post about them – how do we really make a difference? How do we create systemic change?

Post date: May 08, 17

The Center for Sustainable Energy’s Hanna Grene, associate director of government affairs, weighs in on the role of clean energy as the fastest growing energy-related job market and the best pathway to affordable, secure, domestic energy generation despite headwinds from the Trump administration.

Post date: Jan 09, 17

President Barack Obama details four reasons why he believes trends toward clean energy are “irreversible” and will overcome “near-term politics” in an article published January 9 in the policy forum of the journal Science titled, “The Irreversible Momentum of Clean Energy.”

Post date: Dec 13, 16

The Massachusetts governor’s office has announced $12 million in funding for the Commonwealth’s electric vehicle rebate program, Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV). The announcement builds upon the Department of Energy Resources’ (DOER) $2 million commitment in January and represents more than double the rebate funding over the lifetime of the MOR-EV program.

Post date: Apr 01, 16

CSE has published a policy paper titled Natural Gas as a Bridge Fuel – Measuring the Bridge, which recognizes the role natural gas plays in phasing out the a nation’s use of dirtier fossil fuels, but concludes specific plans are needed to chart a course away from all fossil fuel use to achieve long-lasting greenhouse gas reductions. 

Post date: Sep 22, 15

California’s local government officials and solar energy contractors seeking details on progress made statewide by cities and counties to create ordinances for expedited solar installation permitting can now find up-to-date information online on the CSE website.

Post date: Aug 12, 15

CSE has opened a Northeast regional office in Cambridge, Mass., to broaden its efforts to help government agencies, utilities, businesses and residents throughout the region plan and achieve higher sustainable energy and efficiency goals.

Post date: Jul 30, 15

Forum on sustainable energy solutions, jobs and public participation

Local government officials, energy industry leaders and clean energy advocates discussed ways to achieve greater adoption of sustainable energy technologies in the San Diego region during a day-long forum led by the Climate Action Campaign (CAC) and hosted by the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) on Thursday, July 30.

Post date: Dec 15, 14

A new guidebook outlining ways for California cities and counties to make permit processing and inspections for home rooftop solar electric systems quicker and more uniform is now available from CSE. Increasing solar energy adoption is a key component for many local jurisdictions in achieving goals for energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reductions and climate action plans.


Chuck Colgan's picture

CSE on Clean Energy Jobs and the Importance of State and Local Leadership

The Center for Sustainable Energy’s Hanna Grene, associate director of government affairs, weighs in on the role of clean energy as the fastest growing energy-related job market and the best pathway to affordable, secure, domestic energy generation despite headwinds from the Trump administration.

Chuck Colgan
