Center for Sustainable Energy

News and blog by CSI-Solar

Post date: Sep 22, 15

California’s local government officials and solar energy contractors seeking details on progress made statewide by cities and counties to create ordinances for expedited solar installation permitting can now find up-to-date information online on the CSE website.

Post date: Apr 22, 15

Self-generation systems offer sizable utility cost savings

With high and rising electricity prices in San Diego County, many local businesses are turning to distributed energy generation to help lower utility costs while greening their facilities and reducing their carbon footprint.

Originally published April 20, 2015, in the San Diego Business Journal special section “Sustainable San Diego.”

Post date: Jan 26, 15

Battery systems are becoming a crucial component of expanding solar’s growth

While California continues exponential growth in solar energy with rooftop system installations more than doubling in the past two years, solar really isn’t reaching its full potential among small to medium-sized businesses. Two major drawbacks hindering commercial solar adoption are its intermittent production and an inability to meet the instantaneous needs for increased electricity that businesses often require.

Post date: Dec 15, 14

A new guidebook outlining ways for California cities and counties to make permit processing and inspections for home rooftop solar electric systems quicker and more uniform is now available from CSE. Increasing solar energy adoption is a key component for many local jurisdictions in achieving goals for energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reductions and climate action plans.

Post date: Sep 25, 14

California homeowners and businesses seeking low-interest loans for energy efficiency upgrades and clean energy systems can now find the most up-to-date information on affordable financing options online at the CSE website.

Post date: Aug 18, 14

The energy efficiency actions of California homeowners who installed rooftop solar electric systems are providing insights into the connection between solar adoption  and energy upgrades that could help in the design of future residential energy programs.

Post date: Jul 02, 14

The right combination of technologies is key to avoiding financial risks

When Qualcomm Incorporated, decided to take greater control of energy consumption at its San Diego locations, the technology selected was combined heat and power (CHP) gas turbines, among the most efficient energy sources available because in producing electricity it also provides thermal energy.

Post date: Jun 16, 14

Installing solar power at the Kensington Veterinary Hospital on Adams Avenue seemed like a great way to combine long-held environmental values with a need for increased electricity, according to co-owner Dr. Patricia Ungar. Now that solar panels are producing a third of the pet center’s energy and providing up to a 40 percent utility bill savings, she’s also feeling a great deal of financial satisfaction.

Post date: Feb 19, 14

Rebates for home solar energy systems from the California Solar Initiative (CSI) are ending in the San Diego region after supplying some $54 million in support of more than 17,900 residential installations since the program’s inception in 2006.

Post date: Nov 20, 13

MASH program brought 2.6 MW of solar & $10 million in rebates               

The final project in a program that has provided 2.6 megawatts of clean solar power to low-income San Diegans was dedicated during ceremonies at the Townspeople Apartments in Normal Heights on Wednesday, Nov. 20.


Chuck Colgan's picture

New Online Tool Identifies CA Municipalities Adopting Streamlined Solar Permitting

California’s local government officials and solar energy contractors seeking details on progress made statewide by cities and counties to create ordinances for expedited solar installation permitting can now find up-to-date information online on the CSE website.

Chuck Colgan's picture

Take Charge of Your Energy with On-Site Power

Self-generation systems offer sizable utility cost savings

With high and rising electricity prices in San Diego County, many local businesses are turning to distributed energy generation to help lower utility costs while greening their facilities and reducing their carbon footprint.

Originally published April 20, 2015, in the San Diego Business Journal special section “Sustainable San Diego.”

Chuck Colgan's picture

Optimizing the Use of Solar Power with Energy Storage

Battery systems are becoming a crucial component of expanding solar’s growth

While California continues exponential growth in solar energy with rooftop system installations more than doubling in the past two years, solar really isn’t reaching its full potential among small to medium-sized businesses. Two major drawbacks hindering commercial solar adoption are its intermittent production and an inability to meet the instantaneous needs for increased electricity that businesses often require.

Chuck Colgan
