Center for Sustainable Energy

News and blog by Research

Post date: Mar 21, 17
Report provides a resource for jurisdictions struggling with policies and ordinances to cut use of polystyrene containers and make a positive environmental impact


Restaurants and retail food vendors can switch from plastic foam food and beverage containers to more environmentally friendly products without incurring a substantial financial burden for their businesses or customers, according to a new report by the Equinox Project at the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE).

Post date: Feb 24, 17

Brett Williams, Ph.D., CSE’s senior principal advisor for Transportation Programs, has been appointed to a second three-year term on the Alternative Transportation Fuels and Technologies committee of the Transportation Research Board. The appointment recognizes Williams’ expertise and places him among national leaders in clean transportation research.

Post date: Dec 19, 16

The Center for Sustainable Energy® (CSE) has launched the new Home Energy Improvement Potential Map. The free online resource gives contractors, home energy raters, real estate agents and local governments a tool to identify California homeowners and communities by ZIP code and census tract where residents are most likely to engage in energy improvements from energy efficiency upgrades to solar installations and electric vehicle purchases.

Post date: May 19, 16

A new report demonstrates how battery storage combined with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems would lead to significant electric bill savings for both property owners and residents of multifamily affordable rental housing in California.

Post date: Apr 01, 16

CSE has published a policy paper titled Natural Gas as a Bridge Fuel – Measuring the Bridge, which recognizes the role natural gas plays in phasing out the a nation’s use of dirtier fossil fuels, but concludes specific plans are needed to chart a course away from all fossil fuel use to achieve long-lasting greenhouse gas reductions. 

Post date: Jan 27, 16

Newly formed Equinox Project will enhance and expand quality of life research and analysis

CSE has announced a merger with the San Diego-based nonprofit Equinox Center. The union officially creates the Equinox Project, an initiative to be directed by CSE to enhance and expand the work of the former Equinox Center, which focused on environmental, economic and civic affairs in the region.

Post date: Oct 12, 15

CSE staff are presenting topics that represent our role as leaders in sustainable energy market transformation at the Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC) Conference, Oct. 18-21, 2015, Hyatt Regency Sacramento. Our experts will be sharing:

Post date: Aug 18, 14

The energy efficiency actions of California homeowners who installed rooftop solar electric systems are providing insights into the connection between solar adoption  and energy upgrades that could help in the design of future residential energy programs.

Post date: Jul 31, 14

The most up-to-date electric vehicle (EV) market data detailing California consumer demographics, purchasing motivations, dealership experience and other factors is now available online.

Post date: Jan 08, 14

As greater numbers of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) enter onto California's roadways, two diverse areas of the workforce are in need of additional training according to a statewide survey of fire chiefs and transportation fleet managers.


Chuck Colgan's picture

Research Report Provides Comprehensive Roadmap for Eliminating Plastic Foam Food Packaging

Report provides a resource for jurisdictions struggling with policies and ordinances to cut use of polystyrene containers and make a positive environmental impact


Restaurants and retail food vendors can switch from plastic foam food and beverage containers to more environmentally friendly products without incurring a substantial financial burden for their businesses or customers, according to a new report by the Equinox Project at the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE).

Chuck Colgan
Chuck Colgan's picture

CSE Transportation Expert Brett Williams Appointed to National Research Committee

Brett Williams, Ph.D., CSE’s senior principal advisor for Transportation Programs, has been appointed to a second three-year term on the Alternative Transportation Fuels and Technologies committee of the Transportation Research Board. The appointment recognizes Williams’ expertise and places him among national leaders in clean transportation research.

Chuck Colgan
Chuck Colgan's picture

New Tool Reveals CA Neighborhoods with Best Potential for Home Energy Improvements

The Center for Sustainable Energy® (CSE) has launched the new Home Energy Improvement Potential Map. The free online resource gives contractors, home energy raters, real estate agents and local governments a tool to identify California homeowners and communities by ZIP code and census tract where residents are most likely to engage in energy improvements from energy efficiency upgrades to solar installations and electric vehicle purchases.
