Center for Sustainable Energy

News and blog by Electric Vehicles

Post date: Nov 17, 14

Comments such as zippy, fast and smart were among the most often-heard reactions of first-time electric vehicle divers during the Experience Electric-The Better Ride campaign held in the San Francisco Bay Area during the past six months.

Launched in May 2014, the EV awareness campaign held test drives at more than 20 workplace and community outreach events, allowing over 3,000 drivers to try various all-electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in an effort to spur EV adoption.

Post date: Sep 30, 14

CSE’s Experience Electric – The Better Ride campaign was present at DeAnza College in Cupertino, Calif., to witness electric vehicle (EV) history as attendees at the 42nd Annual Silicon Valley EV Rally broke the Guinness World Record for the largest Electric Vehicle Parade on Saturday, Sept. 20.

Philip Robertson, a Guinness World Records judge, was present and certified that 507 all-electric vehicles fully participated to create the largest EV Parade to date. The previous record was set earlier this year in Stuttgart Germany.

Post date: Sep 09, 14

Sales of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in California exceeded 100,000 cars at the end of August, making it the nation’s EV leader and driving the state closer toward Governor Jerry Brown’s goal of 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles on California roadways by 2025.

Data collected by the California Air Resources Board (ARB) show state residents bought 102,440 PEVs from December 2010 through August 2014, approximately 40 percent of all the PEVs sold in the U.S.

Post date: Sep 09, 14

CSE’s Experience Electric – The Better Ride Campaign will be joining in during an attempt to make electric vehicle history as attendees at the 42nd Annual Silicon Valley EV Rally try to break the Guinness World Record for the largest number of EVs in a parade on Saturday, Sept. 20.

The event will take place at De Anza College in Cupertino, Calif., and is expected to draw more than 4,000 EV enthusiasts. The previous record of 438 all-electric vehicles in a parade was set in April at the Montreal EV Parade in Canada.

Post date: Jul 31, 14

The most up-to-date electric vehicle (EV) market data detailing California consumer demographics, purchasing motivations, dealership experience and other factors is now available online.

Post date: Jun 17, 14

The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources has selected CSE to administer a new incentive program aimed at increasing the number of zero-emission vehicles commonwealth residents own. The Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) program will provide up to $2,500 for the purchase or lease of plug-in hybrid or electric vehicles (EVs).

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick unveiled the MOR-EV incentives at a press conference held March 27 when announcing a number of new state investments in programs designed to support alternative fuel vehicles (photo at left).

Post date: May 13, 14

CCSE and a consortium of clean transportation organizations launched a yearlong campaign to spur consumer interest in plug-in electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in the Bay Area during an event held Tuesday, May 13, in downtown San Francisco.

Post date: May 07, 14

On the heels of another record-breaking month of rebates for the cleanest cars in California, the Air Resources Board (ARB) voted April 25 to immediately expand the funding and current waiting list for incentive funds that help consumers buy zero-emission and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Post date: Mar 31, 14

CCSE is participating in a free workshop exploring the options and strategies for organizing clean transportation commuting programs for local employers sponsored by the San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, at the San Diego Automotive Museum.

Post date: Mar 31, 14

With demand for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and zero-emission vehicles growing at a record pace in California, the Air Resources Board announced March 28 a rebate waiting list up to a total of $5 million for Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) funds.

To accommodate expected market growth into the summer, ARB staff plan to propose expanding the waiting list by an additional $25 million at the board’s April meeting.

CCSE, administrators of the statewide program, will continue to accept applications for rebates while additional funding is being put in place.


Chuck Colgan's picture

New Incentive Project to Install Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Statewide Launches in Fresno County

Up to $4 million available for charging stations at businesses, multifamily housing and public agencies

A project promoting expansion of California’s electric vehicle charging network to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars and light-duty trucks debuted in Fresno County Dec. 20, 2017.

Chuck Colgan
Chuck Colgan's picture

Eighth Edition of the San Diego Regional Quality of Life Dashboard for 2017 Goes Online

The Center for Sustainable Energy’s Equinox Project has released the 2017 San Diego Regional Quality of Life Dashboard, which assesses the top economic and environmental indicators to gauge the region’s progress toward sustainability. This year the dashboard is available for the first time in an online, interactive format at SDQualityofLife.org.

Chuck Colgan's picture

CSE Awarded $15M to Expand California’s Electric Vehicle Charging Network

California Energy Commission approves up to $200M for charging installations in support of an estimated 1.5 million EVs in state by 2025

The California Energy Commission has awarded CSE a $15 million grant to develop and implement an initiative to install more electric vehicle charging stations statewide by creating financial incentive projects. The decision further approves up to $200 million for the installations in conjunction with matching funds from regional and local governments.

Chuck Colgan
