Center for Sustainable Energy

News and blog by PEV Infrastructure

Post date: Apr 20, 17

California Energy Commission approves up to $200M for charging installations in support of an estimated 1.5 million EVs in state by 2025

The California Energy Commission has awarded CSE a $15 million grant to develop and implement an initiative to install more electric vehicle charging stations statewide by creating financial incentive projects. The decision further approves up to $200 million for the installations in conjunction with matching funds from regional and local governments.

Post date: Jun 11, 15

The California Energy Commission has awarded a $1.5 million grant to the CSE to lead development of an advanced management platform for integrating electric vehicle (EV) charging with utility-scale energy systems.

CSE will work closely with KnGrid, a leader in vehicle-grid communications, to create a standardized platform that optimizes charging benefits for both grid operators and vehicle owners. It will be the first data platform to employ the international ISO/IEC 15118 standard for flexibly managing vehicle charging with data from the power grid.

Post date: Jan 29, 14

The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) approved at a January 24 board of directors meeting a comprehensive document for readying the region for widespread use of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) prepared by CCSE transportation staff, SANDAG and the San Diego Regional Electric Vehicle Infrastructure working group.

Post date: Mar 05, 13

Nationwide program to develop and implement plug-in electric vehicle charging at work

Among the goals of the Energy Department challenge is to expand the availability of charging stations at work locations by tenfold within the next five years so that PEV drivers have greater convenience and more options. By signing up with the program, CCSE pledges to develop and implement plans to support the workplace charging initiative.

Chuck Colgan's picture

CSE Awarded $15M to Expand California’s Electric Vehicle Charging Network

California Energy Commission approves up to $200M for charging installations in support of an estimated 1.5 million EVs in state by 2025

The California Energy Commission has awarded CSE a $15 million grant to develop and implement an initiative to install more electric vehicle charging stations statewide by creating financial incentive projects. The decision further approves up to $200 million for the installations in conjunction with matching funds from regional and local governments.

Chuck Colgan
Chuck Colgan's picture

CA Energy Commission Awards Grant to CSE for First Standards-Based Smart EV Charging Platform

The California Energy Commission has awarded a $1.5 million grant to the CSE to lead development of an advanced management platform for integrating electric vehicle (EV) charging with utility-scale energy systems.

CSE will work closely with KnGrid, a leader in vehicle-grid communications, to create a standardized platform that optimizes charging benefits for both grid operators and vehicle owners. It will be the first data platform to employ the international ISO/IEC 15118 standard for flexibly managing vehicle charging with data from the power grid.

Chuck Colgan's picture

CCSE Prepares Regional PEV Readiness Guide for SANDAG

The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) approved at a January 24 board of directors meeting a comprehensive document for readying the region for widespread use of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) prepared by CCSE transportation staff, SANDAG and the San Diego Regional Electric Vehicle Infrastructure working group.

Chuck Colgan