Center for Sustainable Energy

News and blog by Electric Vehicles

Post date: Dec 13, 16

The Massachusetts governor’s office has announced $12 million in funding for the Commonwealth’s electric vehicle rebate program, Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV). The announcement builds upon the Department of Energy Resources’ (DOER) $2 million commitment in January and represents more than double the rebate funding over the lifetime of the MOR-EV program.

CVRP Initiatives
Post date: Oct 17, 16

Increased lower-income incentives and reduced high-income caps start Nov. 1, 2016

Post date: Jul 19, 16

CSE's clean transportation team is pleased to announce the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers’ (Auto Alliance) new 50-state Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Sales Dashboard. Designed by CSE for the Auto Alliance, this new tool offers the latest state-level zero-emission vehicle sales numbers and trends, online and at your fingertips. Try it and watch as clean vehicle markets evolve across the U.S.

Post date: Mar 15, 16

In order to make clean vehicles more accessible to a greater number of California drivers, especially in communities that are highly impacted by air pollution, the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) is implementing increased incentive levels for low- and moderate-income consumers and high-income eligibility caps. The California Air Resources Board (ARB) approved the changes in June 2015, as directed by the Charge Ahead California Initiative established by Senate Bill 1275 (De León).

Post date: Jan 12, 16

California’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) rang in the New Year following a record-breaking month during which more than 5,900 new vehicle owners submitted applications. This submission level for December 2015 far exceeded the monthly average of about 4,200 new applications and beats the previous monthly high of 4,900 submissions set in March 2014.

Nationwide, car consumers bought more electric vehicles in December than in any other previous month ever, with 13,650 purchases or leases, even though gas prices were the lowest in nearly six years.

Post date: Dec 15, 15

Rebates are helping to rev up Massachusetts drivers to buy and lease electric vehicles (EVs) since they went into effect in June 2014. Nearly three-quarters of recent EV customers who participated in a survey indicated financial incentives were an important factor in their decision to go electric, according to data released by CSE for the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER).

Post date: Jun 11, 15

The California Energy Commission has awarded a $1.5 million grant to the CSE to lead development of an advanced management platform for integrating electric vehicle (EV) charging with utility-scale energy systems.

CSE will work closely with KnGrid, a leader in vehicle-grid communications, to create a standardized platform that optimizes charging benefits for both grid operators and vehicle owners. It will be the first data platform to employ the international ISO/IEC 15118 standard for flexibly managing vehicle charging with data from the power grid.

Post date: May 27, 15

Promoting electric vehicles to reduce regional air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has selected CSE to administer a new incentive program aimed at increasing the number of zero-emission vehicles state residents own. The program provides $885,000 in funding for the purchase or lease of eligible electric vehicles (EVs).

Post date: Apr 10, 15

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker announced April 2 approval of $2 million funding for the second year of Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV), a program administered by CSE for the state’s Department of Energy Resources (DOER). Massachusetts has set a goal of 300,000 zero-emission vehicles or 15 percent of the projected registered vehicles in the state in 2025.

Post date: Feb 11, 15

California’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) is offering state and local public agencies serving disadvantaged communities newly increased rebates for purchasing eligible electric vehicles for their fleet operations. CSE, as administrators of the statewide project for the California Air Resources Board, is now accepting rebate applications funded by $2.8 million available from the state’s Low Carbon Transportation Investments.
