Center for Sustainable Energy

News and blog by featured

Post date: Apr 22, 15

Self-generation systems offer sizable utility cost savings

With high and rising electricity prices in San Diego County, many local businesses are turning to distributed energy generation to help lower utility costs while greening their facilities and reducing their carbon footprint.

Originally published April 20, 2015, in the San Diego Business Journal special section “Sustainable San Diego.”

Post date: Jan 29, 15

The U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative announced today an award of $712,000 to the CSE for a project aimed at eliminating barriers to greater adoption of solar electric power systems at multiple tenant commercial properties and multifamily housing.

Post date: Jul 14, 14

CCSE has changed its name to the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) to reflect an expanding role in providing expertise and program administration to support the adoption of clean and renewable energy technologies and policies in California and beyond.

Post date: Jun 23, 14

CSE and the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) have issued a report on LA’s workforce needs in the clean tech and clean energy sectors.

Post date: Jun 16, 14

Installing solar power at the Kensington Veterinary Hospital on Adams Avenue seemed like a great way to combine long-held environmental values with a need for increased electricity, according to co-owner Dr. Patricia Ungar. Now that solar panels are producing a third of the pet center’s energy and providing up to a 40 percent utility bill savings, she’s also feeling a great deal of financial satisfaction.

Post date: Apr 10, 14

When Old Buildings Go High Tech                          

Originally published in the San Diego Business Journal March edition of “Sustainable San Diego”

Post date: Feb 18, 14

CCSE is helping to create Tree San Diego, a new organization forming to advocate for community trees, as a spin-off from the Urban Forestry Advice and Technical Assistance Center and is seeking volunteers for its board of directors.

Post date: Jan 08, 14

As greater numbers of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) enter onto California's roadways, two diverse areas of the workforce are in need of additional training according to a statewide survey of fire chiefs and transportation fleet managers.

Post date: Dec 13, 12

Brings strategic leadership, business acumen & innovation

Prominent military and civilian sustainability leader Rear Admiral Leendert “Len” Hering Sr. (U.S. Navy, retired) will lead the California Center for Sustainable Energy moving into 2013 – taking our energy services statewide and beyond.

Post date: Jan 15, 12

The study is part of the Southern California Rooftop Solar Challenge, a Department of Energy (DOE) program aimed at stimulating adoption of solar energy by reducing barriers and lowering costs for residential and small commercial installations. The program comes under DOE’s SunShot Initiative to make solar accessible and affordable nationwide.



Chuck Colgan's picture

Solar+Storage Creates Major Economic Benefits for Affordable Multifamily Housing

A new report demonstrates how battery storage combined with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems would lead to significant electric bill savings for both property owners and residents of multifamily affordable rental housing in California.

Chuck Colgan's picture

San Diego Regional Quality of Life Dashboard Released to Public

Produced by the Center for Sustainable Energy’s Equinox Project, the 2016 report tracks annual progress on environmental and economic sustainability issues

CSE's Equinox Project today (May 3, 2016) released the 2016 San Diego Regional Quality of Life Dashboard, which assesses the top economic and environmental indicators to gauge the region’s progress toward sustainability.

Chuck Colgan
Chuck Colgan's picture

Report Calls for Closer Examination of Natural Gas’s Role in a Carbon-Constrained Future

CSE has published a policy paper titled Natural Gas as a Bridge Fuel – Measuring the Bridge, which recognizes the role natural gas plays in phasing out the a nation’s use of dirtier fossil fuels, but concludes specific plans are needed to chart a course away from all fossil fuel use to achieve long-lasting greenhouse gas reductions. 

Chuck Colgan
