Center for Sustainable Energy
Chuck Colgan's picture

Businesses - Take Charge of Your Energy and Save

The right combination of technologies is key to avoiding financial risks

When Qualcomm Incorporated, decided to take greater control of energy consumption at its San Diego locations, the technology selected was combined heat and power (CHP) gas turbines, among the most efficient energy sources available because in producing electricity it also provides thermal energy.

Chuck Colgan's picture

New Leaders Selected for CCSE Board Positions

CCSE has appointed three new members to its board of directors, bringing the total to 15 individuals who help guide the organization in its mission to accelerate the adoption of clean energy policies and technologies.

They are Daniel Chia, director of policy and electricity markets for SolarCity; Angelina Galiteva, governing board member of the California Independent System Operator; and Michael Kelly, executive director of the Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy & Jobs.

Chuck Colgan
