Center for Sustainable Energy
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CSI-Thermal Rebates to Include Solar Pool Heating Systems

Owners and operators of community and other types of public swimming pools soon will be able to take advantage of rebates for installing solar pool heaters under a new portion of the California Solar Initiative-Thermal Program.

In mid-August, the California Public Utilities Commission approved the additional rebates for solar pool heaters at commercial and government facilities, schools, multifamily housing and locations operated by nonprofit organizations. Swimming pools at single-family homes are not eligible for the rebate program.

Chuck Colgan's picture

Technologies Added to Solar-Thermal Rebates

Rebates will soon be available in California for a wider range of solar water heating systems with applications in business, industry and commercial properties.

The California Public Utilities Commission has approved additional California Solar Initiative (CSI) rebates for solar water heating technologies, including space heating and cooling. These technologies have the potential to significantly reduce natural gas use and curb greenhouse gas emissions.

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CCSE Supports Hotel Energy System

Historic Lafayette Hotel installs highly efficient fuel cell

The 1940s Hollywood-era Lafayette Hotel in San Diego was the scene of a celebration and switching on of a 40- kilowatt ClearEdge Power fuel cell system on May 9. During ceremonies, CCSE Managing Director Peter Hamilton presented the hotel’s owners with $100,000 rebate check from the Self-Generation Incentive Program ( SGIP).

Chuck Colgan
