Center for Sustainable Energy

News and blog by Local Governments

Post date: Jan 29, 14

The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) approved at a January 24 board of directors meeting a comprehensive document for readying the region for widespread use of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) prepared by CCSE transportation staff, SANDAG and the San Diego Regional Electric Vehicle Infrastructure working group.


Chuck Colgan's picture

New Online Tool Identifies CA Municipalities Adopting Streamlined Solar Permitting

California’s local government officials and solar energy contractors seeking details on progress made statewide by cities and counties to create ordinances for expedited solar installation permitting can now find up-to-date information online on the CSE website.

Chuck Colgan's picture

San Diego Officials & Leaders Discuss a Clean Energy Future

Forum on sustainable energy solutions, jobs and public participation

Local government officials, energy industry leaders and clean energy advocates discussed ways to achieve greater adoption of sustainable energy technologies in the San Diego region during a day-long forum led by the Climate Action Campaign (CAC) and hosted by the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) on Thursday, July 30.

Chuck Colgan
