Center for Sustainable Energy

HVAC Permit Compliance Best Practices Report for Local Jurisdictions

Residential HVAC Permit Compliance Fact Sheet. CSE consulted with building department officials across Southern California to identify best practices for improving residential heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) permit compliance.

  January 2013

2012 CSE Annual Report

Where others may see disparate pieces of unresolvable socio-economic puzzles, we see links forming holistic solutions to help California and the nation reach our ambitious goals to go from a high-carbon to a low-carbon economy...

  December 2012

Appendix: San Joaquin Valley Plug in Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan- Phase One Assessment

The Appendix to the San Joaquin Valley Plug in Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan - Phase One Assessment.

  November 2012

San Joaquin Valley Plug-in Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan

The San Joaquin Valley PEV Readiness Phase One Assessment is designed to enhance local PEV planning efforts by evaluating the current state of PEV readiness and identifying potential areas of improvement as well as tangible best practices developed throughout the San Joaquin Valley, California and abroad.

  November 2012

The Potential of Water Efficiency and Conservation: Opportunities in Single Family Homes in San Diego

The fifth publication in Equinox Project's H2Overview, this is study examines opportunities in San Diego County to use water more efficiently.

  October 2012

California Plug-in Electric Vehicle Owner Survey Report

A report based on the largest plug-in electric vehicle owner survey in California's history, conducted by CSE in coordination with the California Air Resources Board.

  July 2012

Streamlining Solar Standards and Processes Southern California Rooftop Solar Challenge

The document maps the solar policies and procedures that currently exist for jurisdictions and utilities in the Southern California Rooftop Solar Challenge team.

  June 2012

Sharing Success: Emerging Approaches to Efficient Rooftop Solar Permitting

This report serves as both a vehicle for discussion of rooftop permitting challenges, and a source of inspiration for those looking for realistic and effective ways to improve solar permitting in their communities.

  May 2012

2011 CSE Annual Report

The year 2011 marks the 15th anniversary of the California Center for Sustainable Energy. Although this is a relatively short period of time, we are taking this opportunity to celebrate the many ways CCSE has grown to be a partner with governments, industry, businesses, utilities and others in accelerating the adoption of clean and efficient energy solutions.

  December 2011

Solar PV Retrofits in Multifamily Affordable Housing Report

Impacts of virtual net metering and Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing incentives on project economics.

  July 2011
