Center for Sustainable Energy

CSE Digital Flyer

Flyer explaining the Center for Sustainable Energy and what we do.

  March 2015

National Security, Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Blog - Part 2

Protecting our national security & ensuring our grandchildren’s future.

  March 2015

Benchmarking and Public Disclosure of Energy and Water Use Blog

Helping California cities save water & energy to meet climate action plans.

  March 2015

Second Life Battery: Short-Duty Cycle Test Report - PV Firming

This test report summarizes the EnerDel Pack’s performance under a PV firming application duty cycle. Twelve PV firming test cases were run on the battery pack. PV firming is an application duty cycle in which an energy storage device is used to “firm” the output generation from a solar PV array.

  March 2015

Strategic Discussions: California’s Clean Energy Future 2015 Blog

Sharing successes & challenges to sustainable energy solutions.

  February 2015

The Role of Cities & Counties in Supporting Rooftop Solar Blog

Building a framework to meet everyone’s energy needs.

  February 2015

National Security, Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Blog - Part 1

Securing a safe, healthy & sustainable future.

  February 2015

San Diego County Residential Water Use Trends

Part of Equinox Project's H2Overview, this report looks specifically at residential water use in the San Diego region, rather than aggregate data from a blend of customer classes.

  February 2015

Political Ideology Effects on Purchasing Solar Photovoltaics Blog

Relationship between political leanings and motivations for solar and system sizing.

  January 2015

Zero Net Energy Roadmap for Local Governments Infographic

What is zero net energy (ZNE) and what are California's ZNE goals?

  January 2015
