Center for Sustainable Energy

San Pasqual Avocado Company Solar Case Study

San Pasqual Avocado Company installs solar to offset irrigation costs.

  January 2015

Zero Net Energy Roadmap Report

Zero Net Energy Buildings: How California's Local Jurisdictions Can Lead the Way

  January 2015

Solar Hot Water for Multifamily Dwellings

When you install a solar water heating system, your tenants will use less energy, which keeps your monthly utility bill down and your profits up.

  January 2015

Solar Hot Water for Single Family Homes Fact Sheet

When you install a solar water heating system at your home, you’ll enjoy all the hot water your family needs for baths, showers, laundry and cleaning. Plus, you’ll use less energy and save money every month on your utility bill.

  January 2015

Skyline Wesleyan Church Solar Case Study

Skyline Church community comes together to save with solar. When Skyline Wesleyan Church decided to go solar to reduce electricity use and help cap rising utility costs they took to the roof — literally.

  January 2015

Solar Hot Water for Commercial Customers Fact Sheet

When you install a solar water heating system for your business, you’ll use less energy, which keeps your monthly utility bill down and your profits up.

  January 2015

Second Life Battery: Final Long-Term Duty Cycle 60-Day Report - Regulation Energy Management

This test report provides a summary of the complete long-term regulation energy management (REM) duty cycling testing performed on the A123 Battery Module #5.

  January 2015

2014 CSE Impact Statement

One action pretty much sums up 2014 – we changed our name to the Center for Sustainable Energy. This is not because we’re doing less in California; in fact, our programs in the state have grown. It’s because now we are engaged in clean energy across the nation from Hawaii to Massachusetts...

  December 2014

Many California EV Owners Missing the Sweet Spot Blog

Lack of information & complicated utility rates create barriers for savings.

  December 2014

Learnings from California’s Market Transformation Programs Blog

Balancing government, industry and consumer needs.

  November 2014
