Center for Sustainable Energy
Chuck Colgan's picture

With demand for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and zero-emission vehicles growing at a record pace in California, the Air Resources Board announced March 28 a rebate waiting list up to a total of $5 million for Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) funds.

To accommodate expected market growth into the summer, ARB staff plan to propose expanding the waiting list by an additional $25 million at the board’s April meeting.

CCSE, administrators of the statewide program, will continue to accept applications for rebates while additional funding is being put in place.

Consumers placed on the waiting list will receive their rebates at the end of September. Eligibility criteria and rebate amounts for fiscal year 2013-14, which ends June 30, will apply to these rebates. Under the program, individuals, nonprofits, government entities and businesses can get up to a $2,500 state rebate. That can be combined with an up to $7,500 federal tax credit and other regional incentives.

Demand for zero-emission and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles — and the rebates — has grown steadily for the past two years. Currently, about 2,500 rebates are being processed each month totaling between $6 million and $7 million and demand has been picking up.

“The Air Resources Board’s rebate program has been instrumental in accelerating the market for the cleanest vehicles, which is helping California to achieve its clean air goals,” said Air Resources Board Chairman Mary D. Nichols.

The CVRP has exceeded all expectations. ARB has issued about $100 million for more than 50,000 rebates since the program began in March 2010.

See more information on the cvrp program and which cars and models qualify for rebates.  

Chuck Colgan