Center for Sustainable Energy
Chuck Colgan's picture

California leads the nation in the adoption of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) with roughly 35 percent of the nation’s total, adding about 1,000 more each month. These vehicles are reducing California’s demand for oil and cutting smog-forming particles and greenhouse gas emissions.

In coordination with the California Air Resources Board, CSE is issuing the first quantitative report on the driving and charging habits of CVRP Rebate recipients. The data was collected in February 2012 and reflects the actions of some 1,400 PEV owners throughout the state.

Highlights from the survey include:

  • 85% of owners use their PEV as their primary car, driving an average of 802 electric miles per month
  • In San Diego, favorable utility rates result in some owners paying equivalent to $0.90-$1.90/gallon of gas
  • The current electric vehicles in the state save approximately 350,000 gallons of petroleum every month
  • Most PEV owners charge their cars at night when the electricity supply is abundant and most efficient
  • 39% of PEV owners have also invested in home solar energy systems
  • In addition to charging at home, 71% of PEV owners report access to either public or workplace charging or both
Chuck Colgan