Center for Sustainable Energy
Chuck Colgan's picture

Skip and Sandy Florey of Mira Mesa first learned about home energy upgrades by attending an energy efficiency home tour in 2012. "We wanted to find out what else we could do to save energy and make our home more comfortable," Sandy recalls.

At the tour, they signed up for an energy assessment and discovered their ducts were leaking 30 percent of the conditioned air and their water heater was generating unsafe levels of carbon monoxide.

Their Energy Upgrade CaliforniaTM Home Upgrade participating contractor replaced the ducts and installed a high efficiency tankless water heater. The contractor also added insulation in the attic, conducted whole-house air sealing and replaced the old furnace and air conditioner.

"The biggest benefit of installing the upgrades has been the increased comfort throughout the house and there are no more temperature swings," says Skip. "We don’t have to think about the house anymore; it is self-regulating and there are no hassles.”

An added bonus was the $3,000 rebate they received through the Home Upgrade program.

To share their experience with neighbors looking for smart energy solutions, the couple is opening up their home for tours – just like the one they attended a year ago.

Open for Tours

At 7932 Dancy Road, San Diego, CA 92126 See map

Chuck Colgan