Center for Sustainable Energy
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In November, The San Diego Foundation awarded $410,522 in grants to eight innovative public-private partnerships and nonprofit programs focused on water resilience and developing smart cities prepared for the impacts of climate change in the San Diego region.

The grants assist with the development and implementation of regional and local government action plans and address climate change through research, strategic investments and collaborations so communities enjoy cleaner air and water – and a healthier and safer region.

“As we enter the fifth year of a statewide drought, it is clear we are already experiencing impacts of a changing climate, including increasing risks from more frequent and intense drought, coastal flooding and wildfire,” said Nicola Hedge, the foundation’s director of environmental initiatives. “Fully implementing local, regional and statewide policies to address climate change and ensure sustainable water resources in light of a changing climate will require concerted nonprofit and civic engagement, as well as leadership from philanthropy, government and business.”

The foundation’s $40,000 support for the Equinox Project will build on the initiative’s multiyear track record in developing the San Diego Regional Quality of Life Dashboard of sustainability metrics and the H2Overview series. The Equinox Project will develop an online, visual and interactive tool to showcase regional water consumption and conservation data for stakeholders looking to make fact-based decisions about this critical resource. This collaborative project is a partnership among nonprofit, academic and government sectors and lays a foundation for incorporating other types of data into a comprehensive online resource.

The San Diego Foundation Climate Program focuses on preparation for and resilience to the impacts of climate change by leading efforts to inform, educate and engage policymakers and other regional and local leaders.

The San Diego, 2050 is Calling. How Will We Answer? report, released in 2014 by The San Diego Foundation and Climate Education Partners, outlines the challenges San Diego faces from a changing climate – including diminishing water resources, more extreme wildfires and coastal flooding – and calls on community leaders to work together to invest in solutions that manage the risks and prepare for the future.

Grant funding is made possible through collaboration of The San Diego Foundation, foundation donors and other private foundations.

View the entire list of The San Diego Foundation’s grantees.

Chuck Colgan