Center for Sustainable Energy
Steve Weissman's picture
Residential standards set stage for broader solar adoption nationwide

The California Energy Commission’s recent decision to require rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems on most new homes has engendered praise from some quarters and criticism from others.

Mikaela Bolling's picture
How much time are commuters delayed in traffic?

A major concern for San Diegans is traffic. No one likes to sit in their car stalled on the freeway. It takes away from being with friends and family, causes unneeded stress and can even affect our health. After all, didn’t many of us move to San Diego so that we didn’t have to drive in L.A. or Orange counties?

Mikaela Bolling's picture
How does San Diego compare to other regions?

The average San Diegan disposes of 5.5 pounds of trash per day, which does not include what goes into the recycle or green waste bin. How does that compare to other regions? San Diego continues to dispose of more waste per capita than the state average at 4.9 pounds of trash per person per day and more than other major urban California counties, including Los Angeles.

Steve Weissman's picture
Choices by electricity providers affect consumers and the environment

California legislation requires utilities and other retail electricity providers to disclose sources of the power supplied in their service areas. These fuel content laws were enacted to verify the claims of various retail providers about the mix of their power sources and to help consumers determine the potential environmental impacts of choosing one service over another.

Steve Weissman's picture
Call for greater solar accessibility and better integration into the grid

Although California far exceeds all other states in solar electric capacity, it’s falling short in efforts to support community solar programs that can make accessing solar more equitable and allow distributed solar systems to better support the electricity grid.

Laura Parsons's picture
Outreach and program design strategies that put people first

Energy efficiency is personal. This is especially true for home improvement projects that require significant investments of time, effort and money, such as adding insulation or replacing an old HVAC system.

Vallerie Gonzalez's picture
Clean Vehicle Rebate Project takes electric vehicle test drives to inner city

Eastside Sol, a festive annual celebration of community and sustainability in Boyle Heights is a harmonious affair that always leads to fun and a treasured community gathering in Northeast Los Angeles (NELA).

Juliane Smith's picture
Geared toward helping fleet managers fully realize cost and operational benefits

After more than 70 fleet audits, transportation experts at the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) have identified the most successful electric vehicle fleets in the nation. These fleets put more mileage on electric vehicles on average, therefore achieving some of the greatest emission reductions per dollar spent by fleet operators in the country.

John Anderson's picture
Increasing awareness and addressing barriers to BEV adoption

Although some recent work by the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Consumer’s Union shows encouraging signs about electric vehicle (EV) awareness generally in California, roughly 75 percent of those surveyed did not know the state offers significant rebates for electric cars and 80

Chuck Colgan's picture
Value proposition for solar power has never been higher

Generating your own electricity with solar photovoltaic (PV) panels works anywhere in the U.S. year-round. There’s plenty of sunshine for PV, even in winter, although at a slightly lower production level. Germany leads the world in solar power output and it doesn’t have a sunny climate. Its solar radiation is about the same as Alaska’s.
