Center for Sustainable Energy
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New efforts to spur low-carbon energy innovation

CSE and State University of New York at Stony Brook have established a collaboration to develop joint research and programs to help transition the nation to low-carbon energy technologies and close gaps that hinder alternative and renewable energy adoption.

The new partnership combines the research and development expertise of Stony Brook University’s Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC) and CSE's market transformation and program management experience.

An overarching theme for the collaboration is addressing climate change issues within the context of existing energy programs, such as New York State’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) and National Grid’s Northeast 80x50 Pathway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The partnership initially will focus on demonstration projects, including the production of methane by combining carbon dioxide captured from power plants with hydrogen derived from excess solar or wind production, which could be distributed in existing natural gas networks. Another project involves biomass thermal conversion that can produce off-grid electrical power from wood waste using a smokeless gasification process.

Read the blog article, CSE’s Push Toward Decarbonization in the Northeast

CSE on Stony Brook campus

CSE will establish an office at Stony Brook’s Research and Development Park within the university’s Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology, which will also participate in the partnership. This expansion is part of CSE’s efforts to broaden alliances with government agencies, utilities, businesses and consumers in the Northeast through renewable energy deployment, electric vehicle adoption and electrification of buildings.

“We welcome CSE to the research park, adding their on-the-ground energy program design and implementation acumen to the R&D efforts of our two centers to develop unique ways to apply advanced energy technologies,” said Dr. Yacov Shamash, vice president for economic development at Stony Brook University.

Shamash stated the new partnership is committed to expanding clean energy alternatives with a focus on energy infrastructure efficiency, electrical grid resiliency, environmental performance and renewable technologies. Beginning efforts will be in New York and Northeastern states, with the program expanding to national and international energy projects.

“CSE is excited to join in collaborations with our partners at Stony Brook,” said Lawrence Goldenhersh, CSE president. “Among our long-term goals is to advance projects that positively impact decarbonization efforts that not only benefit the nation’s transportation sector and built environment, but also the electrical grid and our communities for future generations to come.”

To facilitate cooperative efforts to reduce carbon emissions, Goldenhersh will serve on the AERTC Advisory Board.

For more information

For inquiries about these programs and other clean energy efforts, contact CSE’s Northeast regional office at NE.info@energycenter.org or by calling 858-244-1177.